Friday, October 20, 2023

CPSC commissioner ready to consider e-bike regs?

Update from Carey Rogers

The Consumer Product Safety Commission will consider regulating micromobility devices, including e-bikes, but don't expect anything final to come before 2025.

- growing fire danger from lithium-ion batteries  - the industry was asking -for help to solve the problem.

Mary T Boyle said. "We're going to propose mandatory requirements for batteries in micromobility products. But it's going to take a while. Over the next year, we will develop a proposal so that a year from now, we can bring it to the commission"

While Boyle applauded New York City's recent legislative action to require recognized certification like UL for all micromobility devices and batteries, she said developing a federal standard is important.

Boyle expressed apprehension over Class 2 and Class 3 e-bikes and how the CPSC will view them.

"I do worry that, especially Class 2, with a throttle-based system, that there are no pedals involved," Boyle said.

"It makes me wonder whether (a Class 2 e-bike is) a bicycle and what consumers will think of that. Is it a motorbike? Is it a motor vehicle? As for Class 3, I'm also concerned about the 28 mph speed. I worry that it doesn't match what ordinary riders can achieve, especially for older Americans. I think we need to look at that from a regulatory perspective and from your business perspective. Your consumer base might be different from the bicycle aficionados that make up your original base. Do those speeds make sense for children and older Americans?"

Boyle concluded by saying from a consumer and industry perspective, safety is good for business.

"As you consider that maybe there's a more diverse user base in terms of skill and ability to be thinking about these questions: You need to be thinking about young riders and senior riders, and you need to be thinking about how fast is too fast, thinking about what your brake systems are. "

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