Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Montreal - Cycling Without Age

We felt a special kinship when we visited with the Montreal Bike Club and have remained in contact. Malcolm McRae is their leader for this very civic oriented bike club.  Consistent with that orientation they have established  Cycling Without Age. chapter.

Dear Wheelmen and Wheelwomen

      Spring is approaching and the 2021 season of the Montreal Bicycle Club is about to begin. Last year, Covid made it impossible for the club to have overnight excursions or larger group rides.  Like many people I spent too much time this last winter on Zoom Meetings or working on the computer.  I hope that this summer we can all spend more time doing the things we love outdoors.
     Last November some of the Montreal Bicycle Club members started to consider what the club could do this coming summer that would help those seniors who were hit hard by the andemic.  It was decided to start a local Cycling Without Age Chapter and offer rides to those who would like to join us on outings but are not able to cycle themselves.
      A 25 %  down payment was made for a club CWA trishaw and we will now begin fundraising for the additional 75%.  Hopefully this private CWA initiative will some day turn into an expanded public program.  A slide presentation of our plans were given 19 March 2021 to the City of Westmount officials and can be viewed here.

      If you would like to contribute to the trishaw purchase it can be done through a Go Fund Me webpage or by contacting me directly.  The trishaw is now assembled in the bicycle shop and is available for delivery.  My hope is that we take delivery in late April or early May.

Doug's New eBike

Not to be left behind (literally) Doug Depew buys a Specialized VADO 5 SLEQ.

He no longer needs a hill to ride along at 28 mph

Friday, March 19, 2021

Gary Williams eBike For Sale

RadCityStep-Thur Electric Commuter Bike Version 3

Gary Williams purchased this bike New in April 2020 and was ridden less than 7 hours before his passing. See 4SALE PAGE

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Electric Bike Battery Maintenance

I like your e-bike blog, but am not the greatest writer.  I have talked about the higher the "watt/hour" rating the better.  Though you add weight to the bike the power density gain is in your favor.

As your new e-bike is not far off. I forgot to mention...  Have you ever left the lights on, on your car.  Lead acid batteries only had @ 50% depth of discharge, anything more than that damages the battery irreversibly.  E-bikes have a new chemistry lithium battery,  with a battery management system built in.  A larger version of whats built into cell phones, and we've all seen videos of them burning up, obviously a battery management issue. 

Any how, the long and short of it, you will get dramatically more life out of your battery, and become part of the battery management system, if you do not ride your bike until empty.  I would suggest recharging only when you approach a quarter tank.  This also affects your riding range, but dramatically affects the life of your new investment.

Brett Dauer