Friday, May 20, 2022

Discussion with Diana Alarcon

I had a good discussion with Diana Alarcon [Director of Nashville Department of Transportation] today about the dockless bike share included in the contract with Bird, Lime and Spin. She has asked for a moratorium on the rollout for bike share. We did not agree but she does not want to add to the “chaos” downtown. I suggested a compromise and she agreed to consider a partial roll out but not including downtown. We’ll see how that goes.

I’m writing because she mentioned she is still getting push back from Parks and the Greenways Foundation. She made it clear to Crownover [Amy P. Crownover, Executive Director] that greenways are part of the transportation system and not just “linear parks”. That must have been a hell of a conversation. Alarcon alluded to the political clout they have and she has heard from council members who are negative about e-bikes on greenways. I can guess who that is.

My point is we need to stay ready to keep fighting this battle. I cannot figure out what is wrong with those Greenways people. NDOT is going to move the BCycle docks out of parks onto ROW. They will still be used on the greenways so what’s the point. BCycle is now under a one year sole source contract with NDOT. She is clearly considering a new RFP for scooters and bike share. We’ll need to keep monitoring that situation.

Thanks for everyone in sticking with this issue and I wish it wasn’t necessary. Stay tuned for more developments in the near future.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 615-828-6551

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