Thursday, July 20, 2023

Metro Council voted unanimously to create a BPAC


Last night, Metro Councilvoted unanimously to create a Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission. The bill must pass on third reading at the next council meeting and be signed by the Mayor. 

Several unfriendly amendments were offered but after some parliamentary maneuvers were defeated by a  resounding 28-7 vote. That speaks volumes about this effort. 

The sponsor, Freddie O’Connell, did an outstanding job presenting the bill and making the argument for reestablishing a BPAC

Sean Parker, Bob Mendes, Emily Benedict and Colby Sledge were eloquent while speaking against the amendment and for the bill. Sean really led the charge against the hostile amendments. Angie Henderson and Zach Young were a great help in the effort. Other co-sponsors were Tonya Hancock, Ginny Welsch, Erin Evans, Burkley Allen and Delisha Porterfield. Thank them all if you get the chance.

A shout out to Wesley Smith and Meredith Montgomery of Walk Bike Nashville for all their help. A special thanks to David Kleinfelter, a founder and former President of WBN who kept me from doing too many stupid things. Peter Robison and Katherine McDonnell of the Vision Zero Committee were also very supportive.

Thanks to Lindsey Ganson who fought the good fight when the greenways mafia tried to remove e-bikes from greenways. That’s when I started thinking about doing this.


Council meeting on BL2023-1882

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Thursday Ride 7/13/23 From Station Camp High School

We will ride from Station Camp High School Thursday at 5:30PM weather permitting.
Check back at 4:00PM for ride update.


Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Take Action for Electric Bicycle Access in the National Park System

You can make it easier to ride an electric bicycle in our National Parks!

The National Park Service (NPS) is accepting comments through July 21  on a proposal to give NPS park superintendents greater authority to allow the use of e-bikes wherever traditional bicycles are currently allowed. 


PeopleForBikes supports this proposal and encourages you to do the same by using our suggested comment language. Click the button below to take action in support of the proposal today.

Expanding access for electric bicycles allows more people to enjoy our National Parks by bike, reducing congestion from cars and getting more people into the outdoors. Your voice matters — act now to improve e-bike access in our National Parks!


Together, we can make biking better for everyone.


 — The PeopleForBikes team